Reidy writes

Monday, 4 July 2011

Longest day of my life !

So I'm just gonna pick it up where I left off as this day just keeps, keeping on.

We set off for a day of seeing the sights of Dorset and first off we caught up with some of the Lifeguards that work at the many beaches along the south coast of England. It was really cool to chat with them about the busy summer they've been having so far and also find out some interesting stuff about some of the differences between ours and their services.

After smashing some delicious fish and chips on the beach at a very busy Bournemouth beach, Maxi got the courage up to brave the chill of the English sea.

After being in the land of the ice cold frothy pint for at least we 8hrs we realised we were way overdue for "A PINT OF THE FINEST" *In my best English slang*. So that's exactly what we did ! Upstairs on the Balcony at the Aruba at Bournemouth we kicked back in the sun with a very nice pint of cold Becks and soaked up the warm rays !

Feeling like we hadn't exerted ourselves enough in the last 48hrs we decided to take up an offer from Ross and the crew at Jetski Safaris for a spin in the English channel on there super fast and super fun Sea-Doo Jet ski's ! We had such a fun time and what a great way to see the coast line. If time is good to us on in the last 2 weeks we're back in the UK then I'm definitely gonna take Hoppo, Corey & Gonzo down there again !

Everyone knows you get really hungry after spending time on the water so our next step was to fill the belly. We were joined for the evening by Aussie export and very good friend of mine "Cowboy". He is currently working in London as a sparky (electrician). Him and Lucy told us the best medicine for a couple of jet lagged Aussies was a cool little place named "Pizza Express" so back to Bournemouth we went ! The food was delicious and the staff were super friendly !

Realising the night was not quite over yet we popped down to the Aruba bar (again) for some unfinished business but after a couple of shots and a little mathematics i came to the conclusion I'd been awake for well over 36hrs and was a broken man. It was time I went home to snore my ugly head off !

It was a VERY FUNNY and FANTASTIC first day in the "Sunny & Warm" South of the UK and I'd like to take a quick second to thank the wonderful Lucy. She drove us everywhere and ensured we learnt so much about this majestic place ! Cheers Luce, your a star :)

It's now 3am and I'm wide awake, finishing off this post. We are off to Spain in less than 8hrs. As much as I don't wanna get on another aeroplane for a while, I cant wait ! I've heard so many beautiful things about Spain and I'm looking forward to taking it all in with Maxi.

Thanks again for coming along for our little adventures. Its only beginning !!!

PS: If you keen to send us an SMS you can do so with this great little set up on the top right of this screen from our friends at Travel SIM. We look forward to hearing from you :)

I'll be back :)


  1. The jet ski's in the English channel look wicked fun, if I ever get the chance to do somthing like this im going to jump at it.

    Stay safe guys!

  2. Ahh looks like you had a wicked time!! I dont get why everyone moans about the weather (an the sea) temps, its not all bad :)have fun in sunny spain!

  3. I went to uni in Bournemouth and used to do all those things. It's the best party town and the beaches are ace. I am so pleased you got to enjoy so much, I am very proud of that little town. Boscombe (known affectionately as Bos Vegas or the ghetto!!) is hilarious, and the mile walk between the piers is a perfect hangover cure. Maxi was very brave hitting the sea though!! I have not done that for a while in the UK. Although I was at Hillend on the Gower in Wales this past weekend where the sea was beautiful, and nice little surf too...check it out if you can.
    Hope you keep enjoying it, and Spain is a wonderful country. The people are fantastic and the beaches are lush. Be sure to drink plenty of sangria :-)
    You're doing great things and I bet all the lifeguards love hearing all your stories, probably nothing quite so eventful around these parts!!

  4. looks like you are having a great time and crammed so much in to a short space of time! I am an ex-Bournemouth Uni student too. It's a great part of the world. I also lived on the Isle of WIght and haven't seen the needles or a great beach in a while!

    Enjoy Espana boys!

  5. Looks like you're having a brilliant time guys :) have fun in Spain!
    When you're back in England try and head over to the South East coast as well! We have some lovely beaches and we'd love to see you :)
    Enjoy your trip :) x

  6. sandra.freiman@hotmail.com5 July 2011 at 2:22 am

    First of all, AWESOME BLOGGING Reidy! Really big kudos, interesting reading, lovely pictures and funny vids. Great work! Will absolutely continue to read this and follow yous on twitter. Keep it up, please.
    So happy to see you guys making it to Sweden! :)
    AND my hometown gothenburg and tylösand! Lovely places! If you need help with anything when in gbg, just let me know! Now have a terrific stay in Barcelona, heard it is super!

  7. Come to holland, ill buy you guys a beer :P

  8. LOVE this blog, LOVE seeing you guys experiencing this side of the pond! Keep it comin....Love you more! Awesome dude ;)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Looks like ur having an absolute blast :) my mate put this vid on her fb, she was doing this yesterday and i thot it might entice u up 2 the Western Isles (Scotland) ;) hope u stay safe and keep having fun :D xxx p.s great blogging

  11. Firstly, awesome job with the blog. It's great we can keep up with what you guys are doing while over here. Secondly,I reallllly ope you're coming to London, as there are loads of people here who'd love to meet you (My mum so wants Hoppo to pop ound for dinner... but we won't get in to that LOL)
    It looks like you're having so much fun. Bournemouth is soooo gorgeous, so i'mhappy you got to see one of our pretty beaches on a nice warm day ;)

    Have fun in Spain,cna't wait to hear what you get up to :)

  12. Great blogging Reidy, we feel like we're experiencing your trip with you. Keep it up. I'm so glad you got to see Bournemouth on a lovely sunny day. I used to live a short distance away when I was in the UK and Bournemouth and nearby Southbourne were my beaches of choice. Now I live in Ireland and my daughters and I are hoping to get to see you guys when you come over and like the previous commenter's mum, I'd be very keen to have Hoppo round for tea!! I think my girls though, would prefer you or Maxi. Have a great time in Spain. Like many Northern Europeans who head south for the sun, I've been to Spain may times. It's a great country and Barcelona is a fabulous city with loads to see and do. The food is wonderful and the Sangria is deadly, but delicious. Somehow you just don't notice all the wine and spirits hidden in the fruit juices and ice. It can have you flat on your back very easily (on second thoughts maybe that's what I should offer Hoppo instead of tea..... Sorry I'm getting a bit carried away). There's nothing better though, than a jug of Sangria on a hot Spanish evening watching the sun go down.
    Enjoy guys
    Love Fee.
